அன்னப்பட்சி தேவை ~ In need of a swan

A translation is available below the Thamizh text..

உனக்கான என்
காதல் கவிதைகளை..

சிறு யுத்தம்..

நேரில் சொல்லவோ
தூதில் சொல்லவோ
என்ற குழப்பத்தில்..

வெட்கம் முந்தி
தூது சொல்ல

ஒரு போர்..

தூது சொல்ல
அன்னப்பட்சி தேடவோ
அலைப்பேசி தேடவோ என..

விரைந்து செல்ல
அலைப் பேசி என
மனம் மதிக்கு சொல்ல..

மடிந்தே விட்டதாக
எண்ணிய அறிவு
மையலின் மடி நீங்கி

அன்னப்பட்சிகளால் மட்டுமே
தூது சொல்ல முடியுமென
இடித்துறைத்தது ..

மையலின் பிடியில்
சிக்கிய மனது
போருக்குப் புறப்பட..

அலைப் பேசி இணைப்பு
கனவுலகிலும் உண்டோ என
கொக்கரித்தது அறிவு..

என் க’ன’வனுக்கு
தூது செல்ல


  • ஆதிரை


In need of a swan1

I’ve penned down
My love notes
For you..

A little war
within me..

In the confusion,
On the mode of
Conveying them to you..

Is that to be
In person or
Through a messenger..

The shyness
the messenger..

That order,
Paved way
to the next war..

Is the messenger
The wandering swan or
The wireless network?

The wireless network,
Said the heart to mind,
For a faster delivery..

The mind, presumed
To be perished,
Surfaced from its musings..

The messenger must be
The mythical wandering swan
Advised the mind..

The love-smitten
Heart of mine
Armored for a war..

Does the wireless network
Work in dream land?
Exclaimed the mind..

I need to send across
My love notes
To my dream man..

Is the mythical swan
Available at least
For hire?

  • Aadhirai

The “Mute swan” – Not for flight and just for sight, was loaned by Arthena – சொந்த முயற்சி. (Licensed under GFDL via Wikimedia Commons)

  1. Swan – Annappatchi – According to Thamizh literature, in olden days, this bird is the common mode of messenger, between lovers.. This mystical bird is also referred in some texts as Hamsa.. 

56 thoughts on “அன்னப்பட்சி தேவை ~ In need of a swan

  1. You are welcome..:) I was actually wondering if அலைப்பேசி is more commonly used than அலைபேசி or the other way? If latter, then I am assuming you had a poetic reason to use அலைப்பேசி.


    1. The very reason I prefer English to Tamizh.. சந்திப் பிழைகள் சந்திக்காமல் கடக்க முடியவில்லை.. 😦

      I too was searching for the right usage in vain and used this as it went good with the flow.. 😦


  2. No harm done..:)

    It may or may not be true that தமிழ் is a complex language to learn but what is definitely true is that தமிழ் is such a beautiful language which gives so much poetic liberty…
    I prefer English as well and that’s mostly because I have lost touch listening to good தமிழ் speakers around me.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Perfectly drafted!! It is truly a poetic language.. Listening to good speakers in this beautiful language, is indeed a treasure..

      Your Tamizh is really very good.. Please don’t let us lose another person for few reasons.. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you!! 😀
      The swan that went with my letter has gone amiss is my best bet for now.. 😉 I also give you a fair warning that the swan option, doesn’t have a single / double gray ticks or the evil blue ticks.. 😛

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Wow! Then I will likw the swan because knowing that the swan was sent/delivered/seen and no reply will kill me definitely 😀 And as you say that you sent the swan. Did you send it to the right location? 😛

      Liked by 1 person

    3. The speciality of the swan is supposed to be it knows who and where the receiver is.. Think of it as the olden day Owl of Hogwarts.. 😛

      And I love your optimism there.. I am learning to be patient.. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

    4. Yeah being patient, being tolerant and being ignorant takes you a long way and keeps you happy too 😉 Hogwarts ❤ Then the only difficult task is to find the swan and then all things will fall into right places as the swan knows everything 😛

      Liked by 1 person

    5. So many people live at Bangalore.. But I was saying about why South India is fabulous.. It’s coz the last time I checked my address, the last line indicated South India.. 😛 😛 😛

      Liked by 1 person

    6. Yeah.. I pray that you get time to watch FRIENDS 😛 I have a question.. I was in an interview and while talking to the interviewer I said, “many a times.. blah blah blah” and he told me that “many a times” is not correct grammar 😀 You used it and I use it too till date 😉 and that guy was from a company of Chennai 😉 I should check that whether it’s right/wrong grammar 😉 Do you happen to have any thoughts?

      Liked by 1 person

    7. Okay, grammar squad.. Many a times is not right.. It is either many times or many a time.. Still it is not very common in American English but more used in British / Canada English..
      Thanks for asking it here and letting me know a new term properly.. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

    1. 🙂
      Thank you so much Jen!!

      I would take up the challenge and post quotes, but kindly excuse the part with nominations.. 😉

      It is very thoughtful of you to include me.. 😀


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