சத்தியம் ~ The promise

Scroll Down for the Translation!



நம் வாழ்வில்
எத்தனையோ சத்தியத்தை
அனுதினமும் கடக்கின்றோம்..

அவற்றுள் பல
கடந்தும் கரைந்தும்
தொலைந்தேப் போகும்..

எனினும் சில
நிதமும் நினைவாக
நிகழ்ந்தே தொலையும்..

சன்னமான முனகலா?
சதிராட்டத்தின் துவக்கமா?


செய்ததும் என்

சத்திய வாக்காக
நிலைத்த வாக்கு..

நான் உன்னை
நீங்க மாட்டேன்..
தூங்க மாட்டேன்..

மறித்து மறைந்தும்
எட்டா கனவாய்
தொலைந்துப் போனது..


The Promise

There are many promises
We come across
In our day-to-day life..

Most of them
Are forgotten or looked over
And eventually lost..

Yet, there are few,
That shapes our life
By being ever persistent
In the thoughts..

Is the sound
Of the promise
In the thoughts
A gentle groan?
A thunderous start?

That is a secret
Known only to Time!

Is it my fate or fault
To promise and
To keep the promise?

The fate itself
Seems to have promised
To keep that promise!

The Promise:
I won’t leave you!
If left,
I won’t fall asleep!

The reason
For the promise
Faded and died
The Promise
Lives through
By stealing my sleep!!


PS: Thanks for reading through till this and it really matters to me. Now may I trouble you for a small favour? Please drop in a word in the comments on whether you would like a translation or not..

PPS: For the very dear people who read both the versions, kindly ignore the liberty I have taken in the translation as the intention remains the same..

27 thoughts on “சத்தியம் ~ The promise

  1. சத்தியத்துக்கு இவ்வளவு சக்தியாமா? சத்தியமா இப்பதான் தெரியும். இப்படியெல்லாம் யோசிக்கும் திறமை சத்தியமா எங்களுக்கு கிடையாது. தமிழ் English பின்னல் அருமை. தொடருங்கள்.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The Promise:
    I won’t leave you!
    If left,
    I won’t fall asleep!

    Very beautiful. I wish I could read Tamil. I just know a few letters. I am sure the Tamil version is mind blowing. Poor me 😦

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hope you have heard the song Sundari from Dalapathi..

      This particular in Tamil is from that song.. Naan unnai neenga maatten.. Neenginaal thoonga maatten.. 😉

      I’ll come up with transliteration for you next time.. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Oh, I haven’t. I will listen to it. That will be awesome. I thought of asking but then didn’t want to trouble you. If it’s a song. you can just leave the first two lines here. I’ll find/know the rest 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    3. You might have already heard this song.. Here’s the Youtube link to that song.. You would surely love it is my guess.. 😉

      And it is never trouble.. So don’t ever hesitate again.. 😉


  3. Aathira,
    This is indeed incredible. Good to see people who write poems in multiple languages. I know that you are good at Tamil poetries but this one is very good. Incredible! Keep writing and keep inspiring people!
    God Bless!

    ~ Ste


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